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Whatsapp Consent Text

The personal data you shared within the scope of communication conducted via WhatsApp with Vatan Gazetecilik A.Ş. are processed in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698; for the purpose of carrying out communication activities, based on the legal reason specified in the second paragraph of Article 5, subparagraph (f) of the Law. In the event that communication is continued, you are deemed to have accepted that your data will be transferred to WhatsApp LLC, which is located abroad, based on the legal reason of “explicit consent” regulated in Article 9 of the Law for the purpose of data retention and archiving activities. If you do not accept, you may terminate the conversation. You can review the "Communication Clarification Text" for your rights under Article 11 of the Law and for detailed information.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.