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Contact Person Application Form




Under the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK” or “Law”), data subjects or their legal representatives (“Applicant” or “Data Subject”) have the right to make requests regarding the processing of their personal data, as set forth in Article 11 of the KVKK.

In accordance with the first paragraph of Article 13 of the KVKK, the data controller, Vatan Gazetecilik A.Ş. (“Vatan”), must receive applications regarding these rights either in writing or through other methods specified by the Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”). Depending on the nature of your request, a response will be provided as soon as possible and within thirty days from the date Vatan receives your application. However, if the processing requires additional cost, a fee may be charged as per Article 7 of the relevant Regulation.


  • By Mail or In-Person Application: The completed and signed application form, along with documents verifying your identity, can be submitted in person or by mail to the address: “Vatan Gazetecilik A.Ş. 100.Yıl Mahallesi, 2264 Sokak, Demirören Medya Center, No: 1/51 34204 Bağcılar, Istanbul / Turkey.”

  • By Registered Electronic Mail (KEP): The application form, signed with a “secure electronic signature” as defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070, can be sent to the address

  • By Mobile Signature or Secure Electronic Signature via Email: An application can be made by sending a petition signed with a mobile signature or secure electronic signature or by completing the “Application Form” and sending it to

To expedite the processing of your application, it is recommended to indicate "Request for Information/Amendment Under the Personal Data Protection Law" on the envelope or in the subject line of the email.

Applications can also be made via notary or other legally valid methods that allow for identity verification. Compliance with the points mentioned above, to the extent permitted by the chosen method, is recommended as it increases the likelihood of a positive and prompt outcome.



  • Name and Surname:

  • Nationality:

    ☐Turkey ☐ Other (If other, please specify): ……

  • TCKN:

  • Passport No / Foreign ID No:

  • Address:

  • KEP (Registered Electronic Mail) Address:

  • Email Address:

  • Phone No / Fax No:


  • ☐ Job Applicant / Intern Applicant (I have shared my CV)

    Application date:

    Where the application was made and any additional comments:

  • ☐ Vatan Employee / Former Employee

    Years of employment:

  • ☐ Vatan Intern / Former Intern

    Period of internship:

  • ☐ Individual Member (Job Seeker)


  • ☐ Corporate Member (Employer)


  • ☐ Supplier Representative / Employee


  • ☐ Shareholder/Partner


  • ☐ Potential Customer or Service Recipient


  • ☐ Visitor


  • ☐ Online Visitor



  • Data Controller to Which the Application is Made

    Vatan Gazetecilik A.Ş. 100.Yıl Mahallesi, 2264 Sokak, Demirören Medya Center, No: 1/51 34204 Bağcılar, Istanbul / Turkey

  • Request Subject to be Submitted Within the Scope of the Application

    ☐ I would like to know whether my personal data is being processed.

    ☐ If my personal data has been processed, I would like to request information regarding it.

    ☐ I would like to learn the purpose of processing my personal data and whether it is being used appropriately for its purpose.

    ☐ I would like to know the third parties to whom my personal data has been transferred, either domestically or abroad.

    ☐ I request the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of my personal data within the legal framework.

    ☐ I request the correction of my personal data if it has been processed incompletely or inaccurately. (Please provide detailed information about the personal data you want to be corrected in the explanation section.)

    ☐ If changes are made to my personal data based on my request, I want these changes to be notified to third parties to whom my personal data has been transferred.

    ☐ I request compensation for the damages I have suffered due to the unlawful processing of my personal data. (Please provide detailed information in the explanation section about which data processing activity, when, and how the damage occurred.)


To provide a healthy response to your application, the scope of the application must be specific, clear, and understandable.


Please indicate if you are sharing any additional information or documents.


(If no response method is chosen, the response will be given through the method used to submit the application.)

  • ☐ I would like the response to be sent to my address. (The response will be sent to the address specified in the application.)

  • ☐ I would like the response to be sent to the email address specified in the application form. (If you choose the email method, we will be able to respond more quickly.)

  • ☐ I would like to receive it in person. (If the response is to be received by a proxy, a notarized power of attorney or authorization document is required.)

This application form is designed to enable you to receive accurate, complete, and timely responses to your requests as outlined in the law. Vatan reserves the right to request additional documents and information (such as a copy of an ID card or driver’s license) to verify your identity and authority, to eliminate any legal risks that may arise from unlawful or unjust data sharing, and to ensure the security of your personal data. Vatan does not accept responsibility for requests made with incorrect or misleading information or unauthorized applications. In such cases, Vatan reserves the right to reject the application.


Applicant’s Name and Surname:


Please attach any documents related to your relationship with the applicant and/or documents proving your authority, such as a power of attorney, a copy of the population register, or relevant documentation.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.