
From the Turkish Historical Society: The Süheyl Ünver Art Collection

In addition to his identity as a physician and academic, Süheyl Ünver, who has also contributed works in the fields of culture and art, created an art collection through his personal efforts, which he donated to the Turkish Historical Society. This collection was published by the Society in four volumes.

The art collection, consisting of 1,219 pieces, includes watercolor and charcoal drawings, various examples of classical calligraphy, tughras, kufic scripts, and ornamental writings, as well as illuminations, miniatures, examples collected from classical book covers, floral and ceramic patterns, and signed drawings and designs on various subjects. In addition to Ünver's works, the collection also features valuable works such as paintings, drawings, and sketches by artists who held a special place in his life, including the painter Hoca Ali Rıza Bey, Dr. Rıfat Osman Bey from Edirne, the Kütahya painter Ahmet Yakupoğlu, and the prominent architect Bedri Kökten.

The work, edited by Gülbün Mesara and designed by Ersu Pekin, consists of four volumes presented to the reader under the titles Cityscapes, Book Arts and Calligraphy, Architectural Decorations, and Works of Other Artists. Published in 2022, the work includes the entire art collection of Ünver held by the Turkish Historical Society.

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