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Piri Reis Kitâb-ı Bahriye

Marka : Kemal Özdemir
9,900.00 TL

Piri Reis Kitâb-ı Bahriye

A Monumental Work of Treasure: Kitâb-ı Bahriye

Kitâb-ı Bahriye, prepared by the famous navigator and cartographer Derya Sancak Bey (Rear Admiral) Pîrî Reis, is one of the most significant examples in the history of Ottoman geography and cartography.

Piri Reis, following the call of Sultan Bayezid II in 1494 to pirates operating in the Mediterranean to join the Ottoman fleet in preparation for an expedition against Venice, appeared before the Sultan in Istanbul with his uncle, and they both entered the service of the fleet. Between 1495 and 1510, Piri Reis participated in various naval campaigns including those at İnebahtı, Moton, Koron, Navarin, Lesbos, and Rhodes.

After a period of seclusion, Pîrî Reis rejoined the Ottoman Navy during the 1523 campaign to Rhodes. In 1524, he earned the appreciation of the Grand Vizier, Pargalı Damat İbrahim Paşa, whom he guided during the Egyptian voyage. On this occasion, in 1525, he revised and updated the first volume and prepared the second volume of Kitâb-ı Bahriye, which he presented to Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent through İbrahim Paşa.

Piri Reis, while recording his maritime experience scientifically on maps, also conveys the maritime teachings and philosophy that every sailor should possess, in a style reminiscent of Kutadgu Bilig. His Mediterranean Guide, containing useful details and accuracy that still holds relevance today, demonstrates the academic integrity of the work.

This work, which any sailor or history enthusiast would want on their desk, offers a visual feast to the reader with its graphic design, featuring hundreds of maps and illustrations. Kitâb-ı Bahriye, which provides information about the Mediterranean and surrounding seas, coastlines, islands, straits, bays, and ports, is of great significance not only for the Ottoman Empire but also for the history of world maritime navigation.

Title: Piri Reis Kitâb-ı Bahriye
Language: Turkish
Publisher: Demirören Publications
Prepared for Publication: Kemal Özdemir
Genre: Maritime History
Project Director: Bedri Göğalp
Project Advisor: Turgay Erol
Editor: Işıl Ateş
Publication Coordination: Gökhan Çavuş, Şule Onur
Graphic Design: Tansel Baybara
Media Relations and Communication: Eda Kaygalak
Binding Information: Cloth Binding, Hardcover, Thread Sewn
Sale Price: 9,900 TL
Paper Type: Topaz Ivory 120 gr.
Publication Date: November 2024
Edition: 1st Edition
Page Count: 332
Book Dimensions: 32.3 X 43 cm
ISBN: 978-625-99827-3-1
Barcode: 9786259982731

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