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Our Companion the Horse

9.900,00 TL

Our Companion, the Horse

The horse possesses unique qualities found in no other creature. In the past, horses were not ridden for sport but out of necessity and companionship Our Companion, the Horse presents everything enthusiasts need to know, from the horse's biological structure and breeds to its journey through world history, the nomadic steppe culture, and Anatolian horses

Authors Kudret Emiroğlu and Ahmet Yüksel, alongside photographer Ümit Uzmay, explored scientific publications about horses, wandered through remote mountains observing wild horses, visited farms, studs, meadows, and paddocks, and held discussions with experts

As the most comprehensive work published in Turkish on the subject Our Companion, the Horse serves as a fresh reference for those seeking to understand the relationship between humans, time, space, and their own bodies through the lens of horses

This limited-edition book, published by Demirören Publishing, awaits enthusiasts in a special collector’s box

Authors: Kudret Emiroğlu, Ahmet Yüksel
Project Director: Bedri Göğalp
Publishing Coordination: Gökhan Çavuş, Şule Onur
Editor: Mehmet Çelik
Photos: Ümit Uzmay
Project Advisor: Turgay Erol
Book Design: Tuncer Taşdöğen
Cover Design: Aydın Tilbet
Media Relations: Eda Kaygalak
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: November 2024
Dimensions: 30 x 40 cm
ISBN: 978-625-99827-8-6

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