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Ottoman History Volume VI: The Era of the Reform Edict 1856-1861- Enver Ziya Karal

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26.03.2025 tarihine kadar kargoda

Ottoman History Volume VI: The Era of the Reform Edict 1856-1861


"Ottoman History Volume VI: The Era of the Reform Edict 1856-1861" by Enver Ziya Karal provides an in-depth analysis of the Ottoman Empire during the critical period of 1856 to 1861, which encompasses the implementation of the Reform Edict (Islahat Fermanı). The book is structured as follows:

Chapter 1: Political Events from the Signing of the Paris Treaty to the Death of Abdülmecid (1856-1861)

Analysis of the Reform Edict

Impact of the Reform Edict on State Policy

Internal Rebellions and European Intervention

Chapter 2: Institutions and Reform Movements during Abdülmecid’s Reign

Bab-ı Hümayun ("Sublime Porte")

Bab-ı Âli (Grand Vizierate)

Bab-ı Meşihat (Office of the Sheikh-ul-Islam)

Bab-ı Seraskeri (Military Office)

Councils (Meclisler)

Establishment of Ministries (Nezaretler)

Provincial Administration System

Justice System

Military Organization during Abdülmecid’s Reign

Education System

Financial Organization

Social Economy during Abdülmecid’s Reign

Social Conditions and Changes

Summary of Abdülmecid’s Reign

Chronological Table


General Index

Author: Enver Ziya Karal

ISBN: 978-975-16-0018-9

Physical Description: Draft cover, 1st-grade paper, 321 pages

Language: Turkish

Publication Year: 2022

Edition: 9th Edition

Category: Ottoman History

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