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"El-Câmi' Beyne'L-'İlm ve'L-'Amel En-Nâfi' Fi' Eş-Şinaâ 'Ti'L-^Hiyel" is an ancient scientific work from the Islamic world focused on engineering and inventions. The book combines various engineering disciplines and practical skills, offering valuable insights into mechanical, mathematical, and other technical subjects. It reflects the advanced technological level and scientific progress of the Islamic Golden Age, providing a comprehensive view of the engineering knowledge and practices of that era.
Authors: Sevim Tekeli, Melek Dosay, Yavuz Unat
ISBN: 978-975-16-1447-6
Physical: Ivory paper, hardcover, XCİ, 338 pages; includes illustrations and diagrams, 28 cm
Language: Turkish
Publication Year: 2021
Edition: 2nd Edition
Category: Review-Research