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A Picturesque Journey to Istanbul and the Bosphorus Shores

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A Picturesque Journey to Istanbul and the Bosphorus Shores

With this unique work, embark on a journey into the enchanting atmosphere of the Ottoman Empire and prepare to discover the history and beauty of Istanbul.

Antoine Ignace Melling's rare book, titled "A Picturesque Journey to Istanbul and the Bosphorus Shores," invites you on a voyage through the eyes of a French artist who visited Istanbul in the late 19th century.

Of French descent, Antoine Ignace Melling was appointed to palace architecture during the reign of Sultan Selim III. He created unique engravings of Istanbul and the Bosphorus shores, preserving the natural appearance of 19th-century Istanbul for future generations.

The work includes 52 engravings of Istanbul.

During his time in Istanbul, he had the honor of being received by the Sultan's sister, Hatice Sultan, making him one of the rare foreigners granted the privilege of entering and depicting the harem.

Melling's unique works reflect the daily life of Istanbul, the palace and its surroundings, the architectural texture, and the spirit of the era in great detail.

Published by Demirören Publishing, this exceptional Special Collection work is limited  in Turkish, English, and French, presented in a VIP box with personalized numbered certification and displayed with a special pouch. The included certificate documents the uniqueness and value of the collection.

Title: A Picturesque Journey to Istanbul and the Bosphorus Shores
Language: Turkish - English - French
Author: Antoine Ignace Melling
Publisher: Demirören Publishing
Genre: Society - History
Sales and Distribution Director: Bedri Göğalp
Project Manager: Turgay Erol
Editor: Ömür Kurt
Preparation for Publication: Gökhan Çavuş, Şule Onur
VAT: 0%
Binding Information: Hard Cover, Cloth Binding
Paper Information: Matte Coated Paper 200 g.
Publication Date: December 2023
Edition Information: 1st Edition
Number of Pages: 268
Book Dimensions: 32.8 x 42.3 cm
ISBN No: 978-625-99827-0-0
Barcode No: 9786259982700

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